Real Time Clock Program In C
I need a real time clock in ansi c which provide an accuracy upto miliseconds? I am working on windows a windows base lib is also acceptable thanx in advance. DS1302 Real Time Clock. The DS1302 is a Real Time Clock. Any valid program should therefor use that 'burst' mode to read the clock data. What is RTC ( real time clock) how it works including C program of Real Time Clock of ARM7 ( LPC2148), protious simulation of RTC program, application.
The standard C++ language did not have any notion of time till the latest C++11 standard published in 2011, and rarely implemented. On Linux, you could consider using GCC 4.6 or 4. Rogue Patch Notes 5.4 here. 7 which implements most of it.
(older C++03 gives you ) Otherwise, time is given by operating system specific libraries and system calls (such as and on Linux and Posix) If you have a fully C++11 conformant implementation of the latest C++ standard (which may be unlikely, in particular on Windows), you could use the standard header.