Sap Abap Call Screen In Program

CALL SELECTION-SCREEN Short Reference ABAP Syntax CALL SELECTION-SCREEN dynnr [STARTING AT col1 lin1 [ENDING AT col2 lin2]] [USING SELECTION-SET variant]. ABAP_ADDITIONS: 1. STARTING AT col1 lin1 [ENDING AT col2 lin2] 2. USING SELECTION-SET variant What does it do? This statement calls the selection screen with the dynpro number specified in dynnr and starts selection screen processing. For dynnr a data object of the type n and the length 4 is expected. The statement CALL SELECTION-SCREEN accesses the selection.

Screens of the respective main program of the current program group. These screens work with the parameters and selection criteria of the main program and trigger the selection screen processing in the main program. University Of Hawaii Oahu Masters Programs. The main program is generally the current program, except for the case when calling a selection screen in an externally called subroutine. An unhandleable exception is raised if the specified selection screen is not contained in the main program of the program group.

Sap Abap Call Screen In ProgramLock Objects In Sap Abap