Varnish Web Gui

Varnish Web Gui

We are proud to announce that today we released as open source (aka VaaS), a management tool. VaaS is a web application with a GUI and an API that allows you to populate a database with information about microservices and their back-ends. On the basis of this data, VaaS generates a and sends it to Varnish servers in a matter of seconds, using native Varnish API (no agent is required on the managed Varnish servers). If you require a more complex VCL than the default generated by VaaS, you can overwrite sections of the default VCL or create your own template intermingling ordinary VCL with markup. Markup tells VaaS where to generate backends and directors or where to generate hints telling Varnish how to route traffic. You can wrap backend hints with complex rules to suit your needs. Font Proxima Nova Regular.

The tool has been continually developed and successfuly used for over a year at to manage multiple farms of Varnish Cache servers. We got to the point where it’s mature and flexible enough to share with the community as we believe there may be people out there who could benefit from using it. The key features that set VaaS apart from other tools are: • Backends and are separate entities recorded in a database. Changes to back-ends and directors do not affect the VCL template. • Varnish API is utilized to distribute VCLs synchronously accross the entire caching server farm. No separate agent process on each managed server is required, as opposed to (a part of Varnish Plus) and other Varnish configuration tools.